In-Person;Work Progress
SMS disclaimer & Privacy policy follow up
I reviewed all of the forms that were updated last night. The privacy policy date was still incorrect. I asked Jordan to fix it. He quickly got it done. I think I found every form – but there maybe a stray one out there. I have asked Jordan to double check as well.
Nic emailed around the same time as us doing this actively – I replied that I felt it was done except for the date on the privacy which Jordan literally was repairing right then.
Jose responded shortly after that he agreed it looked done and was going to resubmit the campaign to RingCentral for approvals.
Action Items:
At some point in the future I'd like to see what the RingCentral SMS campaign language looks like that we submitted. If it comes back with rejected status again, I can jump in then. I had to do these for my RingCentral as well a year ago or so and we should match the language I used which was approved.
Completed by: George Fassett