


Zoom / Video Conference;Work Progress


Mark <> George || Projects


Nic had asked that the report that is sent via email showed Est. and Actual hours for open projects. So we went in and "fixed" that by moving them inside the page layout, it was clear they were columns dropping off the dashboard report that was being emailed. We tried to resize the columns, but it didn't work any better, so we simply moved them up, and did the same with the other sections (proposals/time) to make it match better.

Reviewed how "communications" are logged in using time card entries. I asked about MSPBOTs ability to create reports on that – Mark said he felt it could. I am curious how we are going to get good account review reports as it relates to CYA on communications with clients.

I also believe we need to get a policy together on this, but I do feel it is a collaborative effort. But an initial "strawman" draft would be a good start from me.

We reviewed the projects, I believe that Marks status detail/quick status captured what I would report here so I did not decide here to report on individual projects.

There is still some delays with DWAG, I have an honest concern of us getting it done by Monday, we will see where it stands monday.

Mark said he spent some time reviewing Project process with Ricky, I felt like that was good!

Action Items:

-Communication Policy Draft

-Review Friday night report

-Follow up Monday in standing meeting on DWAG progress

-Milestones still need to get better described in the projects

Completed by: George Fassett