Phone Discussion;Work Progress
Chris B <> George – Impromptu Call from Chris
Chris B. called concerned about Tuesday manager meetings held in person. Apparently Nic was upset that Chris was not in person for manager meetings. Chris B. expressed that he is vCIO for 35 clients. He took time at the end of the year creating a plan for him and the TAM he manages to visit and be on-client sites T/W/TH. His office time is set for Mondays and Fridays. He can take the meetings remotely – a 10am meeting is difficult, he adjusted his hours to start at 7am when many of the clients open, to come all the way back to the office for a 10am, and then not set free til 11:30/12, breaks up every single tuesday with Windshield time as well as the meeting itself. He really needs to be onsite T/W/TH to ensure he meets with and works with all 35 clients every quarter. 12 weeks in a quarter, 3 days per week is 36 days, allotting a client a day each day of the week, in addition to any onboarding he does as new clients come on-board.
He felt he made a good plan and that was not acknowledged, instead it was about an on-site internal meeting. He made this plan as an outcome of the 2025 retreat and challenge that occurred. He feels he is following the training and recommendations of TruMethods. To do that, really those meetings should be on Monday or Friday in – conjunction with in-office schedules. Finally, exasperated he said well just take away my manager role so I can do my job and make sure I keep our clients happy if that is what it takes.
I expressed that I have heard him and it would be something I would discuss with Nic at my next 1-1 with him. I also expressed while many of his points are valid, I am sure Nic as an owner has many valid points and needs as well. I said I would discuss with Nic and see if we can't find a good solution.
Action Items:
Discuss with Nic re: Chris Managers meeting
Completed by: George Fassett