


Zoom / Video Conference;Work Progress


Chris 1-1


Spent an hour or so with Chris on a 1-1. I wanted to get his take on Brett leaving. His stance on Sales (which he doesn't want to participate in new business sales – although I am sure if we need him he will show up). He feels it is good Nic is doing sales, I wouldn't disagree. I asked about Impact Leads and he said he wasn't doing anything with them, that Nic is. Which is good to know. I need to add Impact to my 1-1 w/ Nic going forward.

Chris feels we need a communications person. I don't disagree with that, I have said that in the past. I personally used a communications person as both communications and channel management with a great deal of success. If we were to get a communications person we would need to be very specific on that role and it's responsibilities and to ensure it stays on the rails.

We discussed promotion ideas. I liked an idea he had which is the "Price Match Guarantee" and certainly with caveats it could be a powerful selling tool.

We went through some personal and health things with him that he feels has helped tremendously with his state of mind and ability to achieve his goals. He has finally gotten to a point where he isn't as worried about the things that he can't change in the company (specifically personnel and personnel perceived attitudes). So he is coping with that better.

We went through his new role. His new TAM/employee. He is happy to manage someone again. I hear him speak of the new TAM like he did when he was managing Brian.

It was good of him to note that the vCIO role has allowed us to upsell projects that were much needed to our clients. That he feels it helps also with retention and client communication. He also noted that as these projects complete, the short term projects will lessen significantly, which will change how easy/hard it is to achieve any revenue goals as it relates to that. I reminded him that it is good to note that, but also we get this sales engine running well, all the new clients we onboard will have a slew of project work that needs to be determined and sold.

Setup a follow up meeting for him Nov. 4 @ 2pm.

Action Items:

-Setup a follow up meeting for him Nov. 4 @ 2pm.

Completed by: George Fassett