


Zoom / Video Conference;Work Progress


Mark Projects


Met with Mark S. today and went through the entire projects list again for full updates.

Hiller network refresh needs to be done by Nov 6 (not Oct 6) as there is a 30 day grace for Meraki. They have been quoted Unify (which I got that information from Chris).

Autobarn LTD is dropping a bunch of new projects, for all 3 sites. Some of these are not in Moovila yet, Mark is wanting to build out more stuff in Autotask and have the integration to Moovila move / pull these things together. I am not sure that is the right way to approach this. For now as he is getting his arms wrapped around being all Autotask now, and the fact there is no Moovila integration YET, until there is this doesn't work anyways.

My thinking is that we should start with a project template in Moovila and then it will generate the major and minor milestones/project tasks that are outlined in the project template when applied to a new project and finalized for the client. It is then that Moovila will generate tickets in Autotask (either as a large dump, or in real time as things are needing to be done as we progress through the project). I don't think we want to originate in Autotask. Anyhow, for now this is fine as they are not integrated and he is still getting his arms wrapped around a great deal of change.

ATI has a client project as well coming in to be done by end of year.

I implicitly brought up Ettleson's projects that have been in Queue with no start date. I "nudged" Mark by saying ok, so we have these two Ettleson projects. They are approved. We told them Q3/Q4. Well we are here now and Dan Wolf, and other projects are very active right now. I asked Mark "What is the plan? Are we going to wait til they start to blow us up? or are we going to get ahead of that?" – he sat there for a second – then said "Well we should probably get ahead of it." – I then agreed and noted to him "It would probably be better if it looked like we were driving the train. Once they speak up they are going to make it out like if they hadn't said anything we wouldn't be responding". He agreed. I saw the thoughts going through him. I then nudged again and said "So what is the first steps we need to take on these two projects?" and he said "we need a planning session with Derrick, and probably someone from each dealership" – I asked how long of a planning meeting is that and he responded an hour or so. Might need a follow up. I said that was great. When do you want to do it. He said Thursdays are usually best. I asked ok, when do you want to reach out and ask them for the planning meeting. He said "Oh I can do it right after this." – so I hope he did. I'll find out Thursday.

I also repeated a few times that when we do these initial reach outs and communication we can say to the client "We need to go through a few planning meetings, so we can clarify and understand everything, set expectations, etc. and that once we do that we should be able to start building out a starting time/date window. " — I explained to Mark, this way this gives us some initial umph to the project, and it also lets us control start dates. Using the word Window gives flexibility if a project that is suppose to be wrapped isn't quite wrapped yet. My suggestion was once we do the planning meetings at the end of the final one, you can say something like "We think we can get this kicked off after Jan 15th, probably before the 25th.".

I queried if we are going to keep the Ettleson projects as 2 separate projects even though we are going to do them in unison. He said yes, and that moovila allows dependencies between projects and he would rather do it that way. I say lets see how that goes. I think it over complicates, but it might be cleaner.

Audi UPS replacements need to be sorted, some are net new. Some are true replacements. There is some "new" quoting system dynamics going on here as well.

Rifast – Wanson has last pushouts of agents to be installed, verifying servers as well. I'll follow up on this Thursday w/ Mark to see that it is ready to be archived.

That said we reviewed all the other projects ready to be archived. I want to still get them "moved" to a separate section in Moovila to hang out a bit before making disappear. Another Thursday discussion point.

Set up Zoom for Thursday at 2pm

Action Items:

-Followup with Mark to see if he got Ettleson's project planning sessions scheduled

-Follow up on Rifast

-Follow up on Audi UPS proposals

-Follow up on Move to Archive phase in Moovila, and final process to actually Archive.

-Send iCal for Thursday 2pm Zoom

Completed by: George Fassett