Refresh Your Feed: 4 Steps to Reset Your Social Media Right Now, Part 2


Taking a moment to step back and reevaluate your company’s social media strategy will set you and your marketing team on a more stable course and possibly enable greater growth and brand awareness for many quarters to come. After you have reevaluated your brand’s voice on social media and evaluated all the networks where you… Continue reading Refresh Your Feed: 4 Steps to Reset Your Social Media Right Now, Part 2

Refresh Your Feed: 4 Steps to Reset Your Social Media Right Now, Part One

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Whether you are a social pro or not, 2020 has rewritten quite a few of the long-standing social media rules. Now more than ever, companies are being asked to do more than post a funny photo on National Coffee Day. Brands are now expected to take stances, be intensely transparent about their culture and loosen… Continue reading Refresh Your Feed: 4 Steps to Reset Your Social Media Right Now, Part One