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Part 1 – The Change in How Businesses Keep Moving Forward

- Chris Sizemore

Date :- June 22, 2021

The pandemic and how it was handled, right or wrong, has created change in how we do business and the costs associated with those operations. How do we keep our business running in the event of not just fire, flood, tornados, or hurricanes, but economic and global pandemics? The rapid expansion of certain industries coupled with a bizarre labor market in the U.S. has created demand and delays as the country stumbles back to full speed. How should leaders recenter and stay ahead of these fluctuations? They need a new price model. In the first of my two-part series on this essential exercise that business owners must do, I will be going through the various industries that are experiencing changes that affect how businesses are performing.

Prior to the pandemic, pricing was established on a product or service, and many times we work backward to competitively price our products and services then make it work. When the pandemic hit, many found out they couldn’t make it work. Either they went out of business or started to charge more or were big enough that even though they suffered through it, it hurt them badly. Regardless, growth or shrinking, business sustainability, and continuity that doesn’t build out a plan and then execute it will continue to struggle. Here are some key factors that are forcing change on businesses of all sizes.

Labor Market

Many in our workforce are not returning to the old wage system that was in place before the pandemic. Groups include those who became unemployed and have decided when they return, they don’t want to work the way they used to and for the pay they used to. Remote office workers who worked thru the pandemic but from home in their pajamas with Netflix streaming in the background may not return without a financial incentive.

Supply Chain

Our supply chain has been affected. The lumber industry, which doesn’t just include our DIY 2×4’s and plywood but also our paper goods from toilet paper to cardboard boxes, product packaging, and more, has caused ripples through our economy. Everyone sees the effects – from the mining of cryptocurrency requiring more processors, more GPUs, video cards, chips, and computing power. When the chip factory burned to the ground supply shortages and increased demand. The new XBOX and PlayStation consoles are back ordered, and supplies are limited while 3rd party markets have a rise of inflated prices. Cars, trucks, and overall vehicle manufacturing has come to a halt. Look at the car lots when you drive by; they are empty, and they can’t get electronics built for the new vehicles with a shortage of chips.

Manufacturing & Packaging

Oil and gas have been hit a little, but it continues to remind us that our packaging, our computers, our cars, our clothes, and uniforms, much of it is made out of oil and gas products. Combine that with our lumber and steel industries, and the things we consume daily are on the rise both in business and at home. The box your contact lens is packaged in, to the plastic tray, the lens sits in, to the lens itself, let alone the outer shipping containers, the pallets they were staged on, the cardboard and film wrapped around the palleted goods. It is all on the rise.
The pandemic needs us to take a strong look at our market. Which businesses made it, and which ones did not? Pricing is changing from being competitive to what does it take to stay in business. If your market hasn’t changed or you feel you are in a market that isn’t going to change, it might be good to double-check that. Look around at things you wouldn’t have thought would have needed to be double-checked.

Next month I will be laying out the game plan for how you begin to create a new price model. If this is a project that your team just doesn’t have the capacity for, I do. Contact me at and I will not only create a business continuity plan, risk and pricing models, but also work with your team on execution and adoption. Mebuis was created to allow companies to stay on target through the use of exceptional fractional talent.  Or Click Here to fill out a Contact Form