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Can someone from outside our organization actually help or change the business?

- George C. Fassett, Jr.

Date :- January 30, 2019

This is a common question. On the surface people can say:
“I just need help”
“The company needs help”
“My business isn’t going well, if I could get help”
“I don’t know how to get where I want to in this business”
“The owner(s) don’t understand the real problems in the business”
“I want to sell my business someday, but is it really worth anything, who would buy it? I don’t even know how to start”
“I am good at what I do, but I get lost on all the business stuff, like taxes & Quickbooks, it takes me hours to figure out how to even put that stuff in there, and I know its still not right. Do I charge tax? Do I file taxes? Do I need a license? I’m probably doing this wrong and will get found out and fined at some point. Then it will be bad.”
Your inside voice is telling you when you say the above out loud or while talking it over with friends, peers, even mentors:
“Can someone from the outside really help though? How? No one understands all the crazy things happening, the specifics to my problems, the specifics to the organization problems, the chain of events that led to where we are now.”
“Someone from the outside is going to charge me all this money to tell me things I may or may not already know but will this business actually change?”
“How can some stranger actually make my business better, I know this business better than anyone, and they somehow know better?”

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