


Zoom / Video Conference;Work Progress


Review of Company Vehicle Policy & ISR JD


Reviewed and made minor edits to both Company Vehicle Policy and ISR JD. To be fair I would have liked to spend a bit more time with both of them, but they needed to be returned by EOD for Friday all-staff meeting, but that said, they can always still be revised (and likely will be) over time.

Big thing I added to the Company Vehicle policy was that they need to follow the laws of the road, and that if a concerned citizen calls in and reports a vehicle as not driving properly, rage, aggressive behavior, poor decision making etc. enough of those happen for a specific driver, there has to be consequences because there must be truth to it.

I took time to evaluate if 80-100 calls per day as an expectation for the ISR was reasonable. Mathematically it is, and I did take the time to calculate it out, such that 80 to 100 calls is a range of possibly 5-6.5 minutes per call. That said, it is unlikely even 20% of those calls go 5-6.5 minutes, most will be straight to voicemail and or no-answer/bad data. However, the "information collection" and "data cleansing" part of the ISR will take time, more time than anyone thinks. Visiting websites, linkedin, googling, etc. these leads takes more time than people think, and human nature will cause some "web" action to occur where the ISR will end up in a bunny hole and needs discipline to recognize it and get out. That will result in more time eat into the day, making the possibility of 80-100 a bit out of reach. I did not change it, but I think we need to be prepared that this maybe too aggressive of a goal, and it might need to be around 60-70 calls per day. But we will see. Again left it the same.

I do need to still create incentives that map back to goals, to ensure they get their $25k in bonuses (for our A++ star). So that is on my to-do list.

Action Items:

-Incentives for ISR

Completed by: George Fassett