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Business Intelligence Part 4 – Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

-George Fassett

Date :- August 26, 2022

In order to guarantee that an organization is on track to meet its goals and objectives, it uses the phenomena of performance measurement. The firm’s operating activities are evaluated and controlled using the performance metrics. Performance evaluations may also be used to evaluate the performance of other companies in the same sector as well as individual employees and teams.


An organization can be assessed through a number of key performance indicators which include:


It is impossible for a business to be successful unless its products and services are of high quality. Consumers nowadays expect high-quality goods, and the companies that can provide that need while still keeping costs low takes the cake home. Input, output, and throughput (quality of the process) are the primary areas where quality is assessed. The majority of businesses put a high priority on quality in order to keep the guarantees they have made to their clients regarding the quality of their products and services.


Flexibility is defined as the company’s capacity to accomplish numerous jobs with a limited amount of resources such as labor, machines, and other resources. The most relevant metrics of flexibility include output quality, material quality, new product, , deliver-ability, volume mix, product modification and resource mix.


Time is a highly essential factor in determining the production efficiency of businesses in the manufacturing industry. In order to gain a competitive edge over their rivals, manufacturing firms throughout the globe are increasingly concerned with time-based production techniques.


A growing awareness exists that the dependability of complex work systems in attaining corporate objectives safely is dependent on both work structures and technological frameworks, which has emerged in recent years. Among the most important metrics of safety are the perception of risk and safety, the frequency of accidents, the degree of collaboration among workers, the behavior of managers and employees towards employee safety, and the level of physical danger that employees encounter in the workplace.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for Employees

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for workforce are used to measure job performance and determine personal achievement in relation to departmental and company-wide objectives. KPIs readily identify areas where outcome is strong and those where intervention is required or preconceptions should be changed. Performance management system may be used by administration to define and monitor objectives for each employee, which are referred to as key performance indicators (KPIs).

The need to measure KPIs for employees

Setting and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) for employees enables the management to get valuable information about their workers’ output and performance. KPIs assist you in identifying the strengths of your personnel and putting in place plans that create outcomes. If teams are falling short of their key performance indicators (KPI) targets, they may make modifications and track the effect of those improvements. Knowledge gained from setting and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) has an impact across the organization: they provide information strategies ranging from providing everyone with a realistic picture of output and achievements, recruitment to sales and marketing, , and assists in establishing specific performance goals.


Here are five key performance indicators that may be used to get a better understanding of both individual and general performance:


Productivity key performance indicators

Key performance indicators for workers provide a rapid overview of both individuals and collective production, allowing managers to identify individuals who are underachieving and those who are exceeding expectations. Managers of customer support teams may track key performance indicators (KPIs) for their employees, such as the number of tickets processed or the number of phone calls answered. Manufacturing facilities may keep track of how many components are finished by each employee or by each shift. Monitoring productivity key performance indicators (KPIs) on a regular basis reveals how production fluctuates over time, allowing managers to adapt KPIs in response to changes in team size, seasonality, and other variables.


Customer key performance indicators

Customer KPIs are an excellent approach to see whether strategies for customers’ satisfaction are working. Indicators such as the frequency with which customers return to the website and the open rate of customer emails are used by marketing teams to gauge the effectiveness of their online marketing efforts. After a consumer completes a purchase or has a conversation with a representative, satisfaction questionnaires may be emailed to keep track of overall customer satisfaction. Since recruiting new clients may cost up to five times as much as keeping your current ones, the retention rate is an important indicator to track. You may reward your staff for achieving one of these customer KPIs, such as an increase in customer happiness or an increase in customer email click-through rates, in their performance evaluations.


Time-based key performance indicators

By using time-based KPIs, you can see when a process is becoming more efficient or when problems are being handled faster. You can track customer longer waits and the average time to resolve issues helps management establish realistic goals and concentrate on enhancing the customer experience in the places that matter. Extra hours may be analyzed to assess whether production estimates are reasonable or if overtime hours need to be changed.

A company’s effectiveness, performance, and degree of employee involvement may all be measured using KPIs. During performance reviews, they provide managers with a structure for dealing with both achievements and failures. A great technique to keep track of each employee’s progress and production is via the use of key performance indicators (KPIs).

Stay tuned for the next part in this 6 part series breaking down each of our Business Intelligence Topics.  Please post any feedback on the Mebuis LinkedIn page where we share daily thought leadership, business solutions, and discuss the latest in business and technology.

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